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6344 Nicholas Drive, Columbus OH, FLORAUSA CORP

Галстук FLORA в хроме, Тополь

Transform your look with FLORA. Our jewelry looks incredibly beautiful!
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92 U 238,0289 Jewelry

Галстук FLORA в хроме, Тополь

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Article: 215

Real Aspen tree leaf framed in pure silver. Special processing provides a light shade of blue.

Brilliant Chrome from FLORA is a technological combination of natural gentleness and cold hardness. Former fragile elements of nature are now suited as knights in precious gray-blue armor.

Brilliant Chrome – metal with strong will.

Poplar – a great aid to those living in big cities and being in constant contact with other people. A very powerful neutralizer of negative emotions and feelings. Absorbs and transforms negative energy of the carrier and those around them.

Transform your look with FLORA. Our jewelry looks incredibly beautiful!
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Thank you for your work! Fantastic products!

You make the most amazing jewelry!

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About jewelry FLORA
  • Attention! FLORA jewelry is addictive. Buyers get so used to them that they don't want to shoot day or night. Think well before buying!
More information
  • Geography of surface for some L&rsquo,arbre jewelry at times consists of surface parts with microfibers that often do not exceed the height of 0,01 mm. Seen under a microscope such areas resemble a surface of an unknown planet.
  • Branded mineral coatings L&rsquo,arbre are real natural minerals specially grown on metal jewelry.